Friday, July 6, 2012

History and World Building

Hey everyone, so here's some updates on a couple of projects:

First off, the history project for a client at work didn't get very far. The client decided that they didn't want to take the route of animation :( There's still time for that to change...but it most likely won't. However, I did get THREE different styles drawn out for each of the characters (Queen Victoria, Nelson Mandela, Ernest Shackleton, and Henry Ford). Here they are:

This is a more mature look for them. My boss liked this one the most out of the three that I did. I have an older and younger Victoria here, because we weren't sure which one of her we would be using in the project heh.

I've always wanted to give the style of Okami a go. So here's that.

This one is based of an animation that was done for Virgin America. You can see it here: This style was done at my boss's request.

All of these were fun (and by no means finalized haha the client never even saw them). Like I said though, the client doesn't seem to want to animation as much as just regular ol' live action. So we'll see what happens :) These were all done a while ago...but I'm awful at updating lately heh...

In other news, my story known here on the blog as "Aviris" is...ONCE AGAIN...getting a bit of a makeover. I'm not sure where it will go but it's been quite fun. I've been working on a world map and character development...I think that I may have finally decided to do it as a'll start off ont he web....eventually D:> Just gotta work out some plot kinks before I can really dig into the pages. Hopefully I can get this project off of the ground soon - it really means a lot to me and I want it to happen for better or worse....I also need to think of a new title for it D:>

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